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Märg- või kuivpuhastuseks sobiva pehmusastega kangas Evolon© CR. See on ebemevaba, imav, kulumiskindel, ei eralda kiude, on suure mustusmahutavusega ja väga vastupidav. Puuduvad sideained, täiteained ega vees lahustuvad ained, seda saab pesta kõrgel temperatuuril ja seda saab korduvalt kasutada.
SKU: 636
5,00 €
This crystal clear AEROSPRAY B72 suits as a fixative for pencil, charcoal, pastels, watercolours, ink, tempera, photos, prints, acrylic and oil colours.
Due to the well-known acrylic resin Paraloid® B72 (often used in restoration)it has tightening and protecting characteristics and is also suitable as final varnish.
It is highly lightfast, age-resistant and non-yellowing.
Due to the well-known acrylic resin Paraloid® B72 (often used in restoration)it has tightening and protecting characteristics and is also suitable as final varnish.
It is highly lightfast, age-resistant and non-yellowing.
SKU: 9964478
25,50 €