SKU: 3169
25,50 €


* Maht

Qty.: - +
Poolkatvast katvani ja matist siidmatini sõltuvalt kihtide arvust.
Eriti soovitatav on seda kasutada mööbli ja laste mänguasjade aga ka seinte, lagede, uste, liistude ja liimplaatide puhul.
Kattev õlivaha Creativ on vetthülgav, tõrjub mustust ja plekke ning on kergesti puhastatav.
Kihtide arv: 1 kiht mati, läbikumava tulemuse jaoks, 2 kihti heleda siidise ja läbipaistmatu tulemuse jaoks.
Saadaval 0,125; 0,375; 0,75 ja 2,50 liitristes purkides
Üks liiter katab ühe kihina umbes 24 m2 ja kahe kihina 12m2.
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Place of use

wooden floors, wooden stairs


Shake well before use. Make sure the floor is dry, clean and polished with sandpaper. Floor Oil can be toned with paint pigments- average dosage 5 %. Apply thin layer of Floor Oil to the surface with the brush or a cloth and let it absorb. Remove all unabsorbed oil from the surface not later than 30 minutes. Let it dry for at least 12 – 15 hours before applying the next layer. The amount of layers is 1 – 3 depending on the quality and the purpose of use of the surface. Finish with floor wax if necessary. Warning: Floor Oil can darken certain type of woods. It is advisable to test a small area first. Floor Oil is not suitable for varnished, painted or vinyl surfaces. Usage for other purposes and against the directions is not recommended.
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