SKU: 2500040578
5,00 €
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his product is a natural clear shellac sealer, made with the highest quality wax free transparent shellac. Its high solid content make this product an ideal base for the traditional warm and bright finish associated with classic furniture. A clear sealer is essential when working with light colour woods, such as pine.
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Kasutusvalmis sidevaik kiirkuivava puidupahtli iseseisvaks valmistamiseks. Segades puidu lihvimisel saadud puidutolmu sidevaiguga saame pahtli, millele täpselt selle puidu toon.
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This product is a natural shellac sealer, made with the highest quality waxed lemon ABTN shellac. Its high solid content make this product an ideal base for the traditional warm and bright finish associated with classic furniture.
The wood must not be varnished; it must be free of dust, grease and wax. Check that any stains that have been applied (Stain concentrate, Spirit stains) are perfectly dry.
The product must be applied at a room temperature no lower than 10°C.
Apply evenly using a pad or brush.
Powder is produced after 10-15 minutes, completely dry after 30 minutes. Sand lightly (240-360 grain) and then apply a second coat.
When completely dry, finish with Shellac french polish or Beeswax in paste form.
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Ready to use fast drying acrylic resin dispersion solvent which reinforces and hardens any type of weakened wood from insects or anything that’s worn in time. Completely transparent it doesn't alter the natural tone, but penetrates deeply and seals the wood and recreating the original consistency, protecting it from further aggression. Internal and external use.
On natural unvarnished wood, filled with 1PK quick drying wood filler, Ecofiller, Two component filler sanded, free of dust, grease and wax. Check that any stains that have been applied (Multipurpose concentrated dye, Spirit stain) are perfectly dry.
Evenly apply an abundant amount using a brush. To improve the result, repeat the operation 2-3 times, waiting app. 30 minutes between each coat.
Leave to dry for 6-8 hours at a temperature of 20°C.
Sand lightly (220-240 grain), varnish or wax. If a shellac finish is needed, apply the Shellac french polish. For a wax finish use the Beeswax in paste form, for an oil finish use Hard finishing oil.

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