
SKU: 19.318361
54,90 €
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Messingust ukselink koos lingirosettidega, võimalik saada puidukruvidega kinnitatavat ja ka läbiva poldiga kinnitatavat linki. Täpsustada vajadus tellimisel.
SKU: 5545M
55,00 €
With red and white marking. Used on bathroom/toilet doors where locking with a key is not appropriate. Used for all toilet locks with 5 mm square in the spindle bushing and ¼ turn rotation. (For toilet locks with ½-turn rotation, see 5463.) "Key" for emergency opening included.

The plate is pressed (from thin sheet metal).
Not for through-attachment. For through-attachment, see 3457.
SKU: 5464N
24,00 €
With red and white marking. Can be opened from outside in an emergency.
Fits all toilet locks with 5 mm square in the spindle bushing.
The hole for the handle can be drilled up to max ø16 mm.
In terms of period and style, door handles 5516, 5517, 5532, 5542, 5547, 5554, 5557, 5559, 5598 match this plate.
In this case, the handles must be ordered without rosettes.
Also available a long plate with key hole, see 5451.
SKU: 5451TN
65,30 €
Supplied with key 5226-5 and striking plate (angle striking plate 5209 or clamp 5210). Suitable escutcheon 5207 or 5208.
For choice of right-hand or left-hand lock and angle plate or clamp, see image above.
5233 has a door-type (press) handle. If a knob is desired, choose lock 5234.
SKU: 5233
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Messingust nikkelviimistlusega lingiplaat.
SKU: 5467N
38,30 €